Southeast Colorado is a great destination for birders that want to explore birds that inhabit shortgrass prairie and canyonlands in the state. Reservoirs and small ponds in the area are good spots for viewing ducks and geese and the annual Snow Goose Festival occurs every year in February.
Burrowing Owls, Raptors, and Long-billed Curlew, can all be seen on the abundant grasslands. Nearby areas popular for birding include Carrizo Canyon, Picture Canyon, Comanche National Grasslands, Sikes Ranch State Wildlife Area, and Lesser Prairie-Chicken leks near Elkhart, KS.
Popular Birds People Come to See
Western Screech Owl, Ladderback Woodpeckers, Canyon Wren, Road Runners, Rufus-Crowned Sparrow, Canyon Towhee, the occasional Painted Bunting during spring migration.
Bird Checklists are available for download from Colorado County Birding web site.