Colorado Trail, Sep 2, 2014 – Day 2

Started with breakfast and a repacking of Bunny. Got off by 10, started out climbing went over a pass at 11,800. And then above tree line for the next 4 mi, over another pass at 12300 feet.
Met a guy bow hunting – boulder, Mike
Saw Mosquitos in the trees as we talked to him and he commented how odd it was to set them. I wondered if he was joking or if it was the time of year.
Above tree line was awesome & really windy, we went down 2,300 feet to copper Mt. We stopped about 4 to eat supper because we were both tired and wanted to avoid another bonk session so we ate by a creek. Dad had tied Bunny to a tree while we cooked and I had set my rain fly out to dry and a breeze picked it up and blew it to the ground. Well that spooked Bunny and she pulled the tree she was tied to out if the ground and then that spooked her some more but we got her stopped before she went totally berserk. We got her calmed down and tied back up, but made sure we tied her to a much larger tree! After some supper felt better and decided to hike on two more miles to a little hill. So that we could more feasibly do the hike we needed to do the next day. We were camped in between two ski slopes in Copper Mt. And only about 1/2 mi from the interstate. Slept well camped 10000 feet went 10.3 mi up 2,000 and down 2,300. Moving avg 2.1 mi hiked from 10:00 am to 6:50 pm.


