Day 19- Colorado Trail

Day 19 – 9/3/18, 8.7 mi, 1720 elevation

Hunt Lake mi 252.6 to Monarch Pass mi 261.3

The Day it Snowed

We woke up at Hunt Lake to rain, cold, and low hanging clouds.  Michaela yelled over from her tent to ask if we could delay start to see if the rain would pass over and I agreed but got ready as I waited. It only got colder and continued to spit rain. So we headed out, excited to get to the pass. As we hiked up the ridge, we saw that snow was headed our way.  The mountains across the valley were already dusted.

We climbed…and climbed.  It felt like forever this morning in the cold, snow and rain and wind.  Finally we topped out at 12,500 for a couple miles. I am sure the views were amazing.  The clouds we hiked through were pretty neat too.  The wind flew over the ridge we hiked along to the point we had to lean into it so much that if it stopped momentarily we would fall and stumble as the support left.  It was a long 8 miles this morning but the thought of warm food and Casey kept me moving.  We got to Monarch Pass at 11:30 leaving Hunt Lake at 7:30.  The elevation today seemed like double what it was, maybe b/c it was so high I am not sure, and maybe b/c I just wanted to be there.

The Monarch Crest Store was great, had a place we could put our backpacks, sign a trail register, and food!!  Lots of great souvenirs too if you wanted.  Awesome stop along the trail for sure! We took our end photo bundled up in the parking lot then I went to get a chili pie in the eatery at the store. I eventually found Casey.

Most thankful for ….warm clothes!

I saw God today….. the continental divide ridgewalk today was beautiful even in the clouds, wind rain and snow. It is a rare place to be- at 12,000 feet for mikes at a time

Food of the Day… friends in Salida fed us some great pasta and sausage!  Really good!!  Thank you! Earlier in the day I only stopped long enough to shove a snickers bar in my mouth about 1/2 way through the morning’s walk. Then at the crest store, a frito pie!  That was amazing!

Quote of the day….”Can we see if it will stop raining before we pack up?” Michaela asks at 5:50 this morning. I agreed as it had just started in earnest and had only been drops here and there prior to this.

What I learned today…Well, adventures are adventures and are usually easier to experience later than when they are happening.  I just kept telling myself this is one of those days you’ll remember forever!

Most favorite part of the day…oddly enough, it was when we finally reached the ridge at 12,500 above Hunt Lake and started south. The wind was howling and the clouds were whipping over the ridge, it was spitting snow at us.  I was thinking its time to dig in and get this done.  It could have been so much worse and this was just a taste of what fury could be unleashed!  I have been on that same ridge at Monarch a few mikes to the south in white-out blizzards skiing and know what this place can do!

Least favorite part of the day…the walk across hwy 50 at the top of the Pass, the highway is scary! So many cars after so much solitude!!

Most useful gear of the day…rain gear and gloves!  Kept my hands in my gloves in my pockets all day and my rain gear on over my clothes to protect me from the wind, rain and snow.

Song of the day…What a Beautiful Name It Is, thought that all morning long!  It was beautiful out there, even as it was unleashing its fury.