Gear for My Hike on the Colorado Trail

Shelter- fly of my Big Agnes Fly Creek 2 set up with trekking poles and stakes. A plastic bag as a ground sheet

Sleep System- Jacks R Better quilt 25 deg with a silk bag liner, neo air 3/4 length and a 1/8 in foam full length pad that will go under it all and also double as a sit pad on cold or wet ground. Fleece leggings, wool hoodie and thick wool socks are all for sleeping and to be kept dry- not worn while hiking.

Cook System- alcohol stove made from a fancy feast cat food can, aluminum foil wind screen, aluminum foil lid, titanium cup/pot, pot grip, lighter, spoon, and small piece of bandana to wipe the pot out. I will be boiling water and making drinks in the pot so no cooking in it.

Extra Layers-
Rain coat and pants
Montbell ultralight down sweater
Montbell thermawrap vest
Fleece hat
Wool gloves
OR waterproof over mitts
Silk scarf

Book for reading
Cell phone for towns and blogging
Solar monkey solar for phone
Repair kit
First aid kit
Fire starting kit
Fishing pole and kit
GPS for tracking mileage & nav
Maps, compass
MSR water bag for hauling water and washing
Bear hang kit
Food & Fuel
Plastic water bottles – Smart water kind. Durable and a good size.
Aquamira water treatment
Soap & hand Danny
Trekking poles
Plastic trash compactor sack for lining my backpack to make it water proof.



